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何冰芳,教授,博士生导师,生物与制药工程学院副院长。1962年11月生, 1982年7月毕业于南京药学院(现中国药科大学),获学士学位,同年留校任教。1987年7月获生物药物学硕士学位(在职研究生), 1987年10月去日本筑波大学(University of Tsukuba, Japan)医学系进修。1995年4月回国任中国药科大学生物制药学院讲师、副教授。1997年11月去日本筑波大学应用生物化学系学习,2001年3月于筑波大学(日本)获微生物学博士学位, 2001年9月回国任南京工业大学制药与生命科学学院教授、博士生导师。是江苏省“六大人才高峰”和江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人。2006年荣获南京工业大学“教学名师”、“十佳师德标兵”称号;2007年荣获“南京工业大学优秀共产党员”称号,获江苏省人民政府教学成果特等奖;2008年荣获“江苏省高等学校优秀共产党员”、南京工业大学“十佳师德标兵”称号;2009年获国家教学成果二等奖。2010年荣获南京工业大学第二届“师德楷模”称号。
研究方向为微生物学、分子生物学、酶工程。主要从事微生物菌种筛选,非水相生物催化,酶催化机理与调控,分子育种等研究,特别是极端微生物新功能及其新酶类的发现与开发,尤其是耐有机溶媒极端微生物及其工业用生物催化剂等发现的功能开发,并将其用于医药中间体的拆分与制备,活性小肽的制备,中草药有效成风改造。已发表论文约近100篇, SCI论文37篇,申请专利18项,授权专利7项。
主持完成863计划一项(新型耐有机溶剂蛋白酶的高通量筛选与改造技术),国家博士点专项基金一项(生物偶联制氢技术的研究),江苏省自然科学基金二项(新型手性羟基酸合成酶的性质研究) (耐有机溶剂甾体羟化工程菌的构建与其双相甾体催化),江苏高校高新技术项目一项(一菌双酶偶联法生产L-苯丙氨酸),并参与完成863重点项目二项。
1. He B.F., Nakajima-Kambe,T., Ozawa,T., Nakahara,T.: Production of D-malate and D-citramalate by Arthrobacterpascens DMDC12 having stable citraconase. Process Biochemistry 2000, 36: 407-414 ( SCI 1.07)
2. He B.F., Ozawa,T.,Nakajima-Kambe,T.,Nakahara,T.: Efficient conversion of itaconic acid to (S)-(+)-citramalic acid by Alcaligenesxylosoxydans IL142. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 2000, 89: 388- 391 ( SCI 1.136)
3. Shoda,J., He B.F., Tanaka,N., Matsuzaki,Y., Shyunji,Y., Osuga,T.: Primary dual defect of cholesterol and bile acid metabolism in liver of patients with intrahepatic calculi. Gastroenterology 1995, 108: 1534-1546, ( SCI 12.457)
4. Shoda,J., He B.F., Tanaka, N., Matsuzaki,Y., Osuga,T., Yamamori,S., Miyazaki,H., Sjovall,J.: Increase of deoxycholate in supersaturated bile of patients with cholesterol gallstone disease, and its correlation with de novo synthese of cholesterol and bile acid in liver, gallbladder emptying, and small intestinal transit. Hepatology 1995, 21: 1291-1302 ( SCI 10.446)
5. X.Y. Tang, Y. Pan, S. Li, B.F. He* Screening and isolation of an organic solvent-tolerant bacterium high-yield producing a novel organic solvent-stable protease. Bioresource technology 2008, 99: 7388-7392 (IF 4.452)
6. Yanzhen Mei, Bingfang He*, Pingkai Ouyang. Enzymatic Production of L-Amino Acids from the Corresponding DL-5-Substituted Hydantoins by Bacillus fordii MH602,World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2008 24:375-381. (IF 0.945)
7. Shuang. Li, Bingfang He*, ZhongzhongBai, Pingkai Ouyang; A novel organic-solvent-stable alkaline protease from organic-solvent-tolerant Bacillus licheniformis YP1A. Journal of molecular catalysis b-enzymatic 2009, 56: 85-88. (IF 2.015)
8. Yan Li a,b, Xian Xua, Matthias Dietrichb, Vlada B. Urlacherb, Rolf D. Schmidb, PingkaiOuyanga, BingfangHea*,Identification and functional expression of △9 fatty acid desaturase from the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. MLY15. Journal of molecular catalysis b-enzymatic 2009, 56:96-101. (IF 2.015)
9. Yanzhen Mei, Bingfang He*, Nina Liu, Pingkai Ouyang. Screening and Distributing Features of Bacteria with Hydantoinase and Carbamoylase. Microbiological Research. 2009, 164: 322-329 (IF 2.054)
10. Mei,Yanzhen, Yongmin Wan,Bingfang He *;Hanjie Ying,Pingkai Ouyang; New gene cluster from thermophile Bacillus fordii MH602 for conversion of DL-5-substituted hydantoins to L-amino acids. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2009, 19(12), 1497-1505 (IF 2.062)
11. Ting-Ting Xu, Zhong-ZhongBai, Li-Juan Wang, Bing-Fang He*; Breeding of D(-)-lactic Acid High Producing Strain by Low-energy Ion Implantation and Preliminary Analysis of Related Metabolism Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 2010, 160: 314-321, (IF 1.04)
12. Xiao-Yu Tang . Bin Wu . Han-JieYing . Bing-Fang He*; Biochemical properties and potential applications of a solvent-stable protease from the high-yield protease producer Pseudomonas aeruginosa PT121 Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 2010, 160: 1017-1031, (IF 1.04)
13. Wan, Mao-Hua,Bin Wu, Wei Ren, Bing-Fang He*;Screening, characterization, and cloning of a solvent-tolerant protease from Serratiamarcescens MH6. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2010, 20(5), 881-888 (IF 2.062)
14. JiaxingXu, Min Jiang, Honglin Sun, Bingfang He* An Organic Solvent-Stable Protease from Organic Solvent-Tolerant Bacillus cereus WQ9-2: Purification, Biochemical Properties, and Potential Application in Peptide Synthesis Bioresource technology 2010, 901: 7991-7994 (IF 4.253)
15. QingchunJi, Sujing Xiao, Bingfang He*, Xiaoning Liu; Purification and characterization of an organic solvent-tolerant lipase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa LX1 and its application for biodiesel production J. Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2010 66: 264-269 (IF 2.400)
16. Bin Wu, ZhongzhongBai, Xiao Meng, Bingfang He* Efficient Production of D-glucosaminate from Dglucosamine by Pseudomonas putida GNA5 Biotechnology Progress doi:10.1002/btpr.529 (IF 2.398)
17. Honglin Sun, Bingfang He*, JiaxingXu, Bin Wu, Pingkai Ouyang; Efficient chemo-enzymatic synthesis of endomorphin-1 using organic solvent stable proteases Green Chemistry DOI:10.1039/C1GC15042A. (IF 5.836)
注:“*”为corresponding author